Monday, December 3, 2007

Message from CFSI Board of Trustees Chairman, Dr. Daniel L.Weatherby, P.S., M.M.S.

Dear Friend,

I am pleased to present this internet website as the new "blogging" home of the Cleveland Financial Success Institute. CFSI is renowned worldwide for its innovative financial education and moneymaking tips.

If want to know how to achieve personal and financial success, then you have to view this blog. I look forward to your continued support as the holiday season draws near. It is during times like these that we should recall the CFSI alma mater credo, penned by CFSI alum Wyndham Bapden, class of 1934 :

In order to have money, I must make money
In order to be successful, I must look at myself,
And change those things that would inhibit my ability
To make money quick.
CFSI, oh CFSI, how I miss thee.
CFSI, oh CFSI Forever in my heart of hearts
CFSI forever, baby.

Ten Bucks to the first person who pens the above lyrics to a catchy alma mater song.

Always fighting for your personal financial self-perfection,

D. A. Weatherby, Chairman
CFSI Board of Trustees

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